Little Red Riding Hood Reconditioning Technique ®
The underlying unconscious dynamics of parenting are outlined and addressed; information we consciously know, does not often ‘sink’ in so that the resulting behavior is often contrary to what we intellectually know. Themes addressed include:
- Identification of the predominant parenting styles and patterns that are currently operating; reprocessing these towards balance and empowerment.
- Having impact in an elegant manner, anger management skills.
- Reconnecting with a child who is distant and non communicative.
- Adult, child role reversal.
- Setting boundaries
- Managing, negotiation skills with a spouse, partner who has a different outlook / approach to child rearing.
- Competent and effective listening and communicating skills
Bullying - Empowerment and assertiveness training.
Children, teens and adolescents are faced with increasing aspects of bullying which is further extended into cyber bullying.
Themes addressed include:
- A refined unconscious ability to discern and identify illusions as well as to trust their own instincts and gut feelings.
- The ability to act on and follow through with preventative measures when faced with a challenging situation
- Ego strengthening and empowerment skills towards an enhanced sense of self worth and confidence.
- Healing/ reconditioning for perpetrators of bullying/ anger management skills training.
- Setting of boundaries as well as a deeper sense of self responsibility and awareness.